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Mood Coffee Roasters

Wildberry Wingdinga - Burundi

Wildberry Wingdinga - Burundi

Regular price 145,00 DKK
Regular price Sale price 145,00 DKK
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Tastes like: Boysenberry, Blackcurrant, Greengage

Country: Burundi
Region: Runinya, Kayanza Province
Elevation: 1500-1700 masl
Process: Anoxic Water Pillow Natural
Coffee Variety: Red Bourbon

From Raw Material’s Izuba station, it’s our second year purchasing this epic coffee, showcasing their signature anoxic processing technique, producing a super funky yet clean coffee.

Situated in the Kabira national park, the Izuba station is ideally situated to collect and process the coffees grown in the surrounding hills. The station is managed by 2 full time staff, employs 250 seasonal workers, and collects cherries from over 1480 small holder farmers! Paying well above the national average, and distributing vital fertiliser and equipment, the station acts as a hub and truly maximises the impact our collective purchases can have at origin. 

The annoxic processing method was pioneered by Raw Material, on their farm in Colombia, and is a simple yet efficient way to create banging coffees season after season. In brief, the cherry is placed in a plastic container, and covered with a simple plastic sheet. Water is then poured on top of the sheet, with a dual purpose: Firstly the weight of the water forces air out of a valve in the container (creating the low oxygen environment), and secondly it acts as a heat sink, to control the temperature and speed of the fermentation. After a prolonged 72 hours of  fermentation, the whole cherries are removed and dried on raised beds for 30 days. 

As we mentioned above, the result is an absolutely banging coffee! Brimming with juicy berry notes, tart berry acidity and a candy finish, it’s definitely a funky one for the more intrepid coffee drinker, but we can't get enough of it.

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