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Mood Coffee Roasters

Roy Sunshine - Burundi

Roy Sunshine - Burundi

Regular price 119,00 DKK
Regular price Sale price 119,00 DKK
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Country: Burundi
Region: Runinya, Kayanza Province
Elevation: 1500 - 1700 masl
Process: Natural
Varietal: Red Bourbon

Tastes like:  Candied Lemon, Apricot, Golden Syrup

Izuba (meaning sun in Kirundi) is the name of the station, or wet mill,  where this coffee was processed. It’s  owned by our lovely mates from Raw Material, and it’s the third season we’ve nabbed this coffee, so we know our purchase is having a positive impact.
The Izuba community wet mill is a centralised washing station, where RM supplies much needed agricultural utilities and community support. The aim of this is to directly benefit the families working with the Izuba station, who also receive health insurance and quality premiums 33% more than the national average.
Meticulously hand sorted and floated to remove defective beans, before being dried on raised beds for 30 days, in direct sun during the day and covered overnight. Once dried the husk is removed and distributed to  the coffee community to be used as fertiliser.
Ryamukona, (or ‘Roy’ for short) is one of three stunning hills surrounding the Izuba washing station,  and the precise hill where this coffee was grown.  It’s super sweet in the cup, with zinging acidity and dark fruit notes. Bloody good on ya Roy.
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